This week I feel rather blah. I started off strong: wrote 1,500 words that nicely portrayed my MC Audi, even though I didn't have any idea where I was going with it. I had a goal to portray a certain feeling throughout the second story in the set of four.

So the first scene: passable, maybe even pretty good. Not as great as Story 1, but at least it was still the same mood/character.

The rest of the scenes? PFFT. Haha, what a laugh. The writing is horrible, everything's stilted and it's a bunch of mindless gore. Granted, it was supposed to be a little gorey as it was a kill-scene...but honestly? Nothing great about the second half of this story. My inner-editor is rocking in a corner, crying.

But it's completed. Check.

The truth? I don't even want to read it over again, I hate it so much. xD SO...since one of my goals was to battle perfectionism? I won't. Simple as that.

So blah. I am ready for this set of stories to be over. As much as I liked Audi in Story 1, I hate her in Story 2 and I just...don't like it. xD

I will keep plugging along, but I'm not gonna like it :3

Now I've gotta figure out ideas for Stories 3 and 4...


Now is the time to sit back and analyse. What did you hate about the story? What can you change to make the next two stories interesting to you? Don't continue to write if you aren't happy with the series. Review, analyse, adapt. How can you turn this set of stories into something you will enjoy writing, something that interests you?

This is the learning phase. Listen to what your subconscious is telling you.