This week I feel rather blah. I started off strong: wrote 1,500 words that nicely portrayed my MC Audi, even though I didn't have any idea where I was going with it. I had a goal to portray a certain feeling throughout the second story in the set of four.

So the first scene: passable, maybe even pretty good. Not as great as Story 1, but at least it was still the same mood/character.

The rest of the scenes? PFFT. Haha, what a laugh. The writing is horrible, everything's stilted and it's a bunch of mindless gore. Granted, it was supposed to be a little gorey as it was a kill-scene...but honestly? Nothing great about the second half of this story. My inner-editor is rocking in a corner, crying.

But it's completed. Check.

The truth? I don't even want to read it over again, I hate it so much. xD SO...since one of my goals was to battle perfectionism? I won't. Simple as that.

So blah. I am ready for this set of stories to be over. As much as I liked Audi in Story 1, I hate her in Story 2 and I just...don't like it. xD

I will keep plugging along, but I'm not gonna like it :3

Now I've gotta figure out ideas for Stories 3 and 4...

Whoo. I feel pretty good. My first goal's story-set is "Completing Stories" and Monday night at about 4am, I wrote the final words for my first story in the set. With 2k written Sunday night and almost 2k written Monday night, my first (still titleless) short comes in at 3,612 words and completed (and rather nicely, if I do say so myself). Good thing I got it finished, too, because the end of the week/weekend we had my stepsisters...and boy are they annoying.

What am I doing next week? Hell if I know. Another adventure for Audi, since I've decided to link the first set's stories by the MC (who is a sassy kelpie with dreams of being an airship captain...but who fails at controlling her urge to kill). I decided to go with something fun for my first 4 weeks, because the second set is gonna kick my ass. -gets a first-aid kit ready-

I've found that not being able to share is hard, haha. I'm so used to getting feedback from friends/family that it feels almost foreign to stow it away in a file and not print it out!

Concerning the idea post: The pictures didn't talk to me/inspire me at all and it made it extremely difficult to do the homework. Not to mention the fact that my brain sometimes doesn't quite "get it"...and whazzam, we've got issues. And not to mention that I hate homework. Hahah.

Nevertheless, my homework (and beware; it sucks):

Easiest picture was the angry people. Middle was the blue orb. Hardest picture was the houses.


+What if he was a demon possessing a priest's body and she realizes it while trying to get him to perform an exorcism on her teenage punk daughter?

+What if he's a mime/clown and she recognizes him outside of the circus? What if she used to be apart of the circus, too?

+What if she's a fallen angel and he's the man in charge of 'extinguishing' her. What if she's his lover?


+What if that was the intricate centre of an entire world and one day it began to disintigrate?

+What if this was a dragon's eye, torn out by the harpies and given as a gift to a goddess? What if it's the goddess's job to bring that dragon back to life?

+What if a world was based on beings that looked like that -- how would they interact/communicate? what if they came to Earth?


+What if every person who lived in this house for over a week was cursed to walk out into the sea in their sleep and their bodies are never recovered. What if it was by their own free will?

+What if this path is the only gateway left into Atlantis? What if a couple of squatter girls living in the abandoned old cottages find their way in?

+What if a lonely, crazy cat-lady finds a wounded selkie washed up on shore and knowing the tales, realizes if she takes his skin, he will be with her forever and always?


Conclusion: No idea what I'm writing this week, which makes me leery. And I think I might've chipped a tooth... Lovely... Guess I'll go brainstorm?

But aren't I late with everything? That's just who I am! Hey, at least it's getting done. Don't look at me that way!

Anyways, reviews...Not much -to- review this week. Let's see... Hm.

This week:

1: I went through everyone's blogs in an attempt to get the answers right to the CrWo's Icebreaker event. Surprisingly fun, even though at first I was like "omgareyouseriousIhavetodoWHAT?" xD Oh, lovely.

2: I struggled with/but completed! my goals. So proud of myself for that one. Goals are difficult, especially to wrangle to write down, I've found. I think writing them down/discovering them was worse than the actual writing. Give me 3k to write and I'll crank it out. Expect me to do a goal-list? PFFTT I procrastinated and whined (ask Valerie!) my way through it.

3: I figured out how my stories for the CrWo will be linked. That was also very difficult for me. Because I had no clue what I was gonna do.

4: I got very little writing done. To be honest...I don't think I got -any- done. Not actual writing on a piece writing. However, I did get Puppy Love's re-outline written and an idea of where I'm going with THAT. Whoot. I aim to have PL July. I hope. Oh how I hope. I'm about ready to strangle Andi. Overexposure, I think -solemnly nods-

5: I found a instrumental CD I like. AKA I stole it from my grandma. I like this CD.

6: I brainstormed...alot. This hurt. Also alot. But I'm pretty sure I know a few of my stories for the upcoming CrWo weeks. And possibly my SocNoc. -eyes Neon and Kjirsten- Possibly...

And I think that's it for the review. -bows- Now onto my goals!


1: Aim to get this week's CrWo story finished before Thursday night so I can focus Thurs/Fri/Sat night on Puppy Love's rewrite.

2: Pick a title for said CrWo story.

3: Decide where next week's story is going... AKA I'm clueless.

4: Work on PL. The sooner I get it done...the happier I'll be! And a happy Kodi = a sane Kodi.

Whoo. Next post should be this week's wrapup/review.

Ugh. So. I'm not quite sure I -get- everything that was said: but here I go, winging it anyways like the crazy dog I am. I have no idea on plots or characters...which bothers me. I'm a natural worrier and here I am, doing what I do best! Worrying. Joyyyyful.

I also haven't decided if I'm doing 1 or 3 first (but 2 is definitely in the middle). I'll decide closer to time, I guess.

Completing Stories:

I will write a story a week for four weeks and aim to complete them all, from the first word written to 'the end' at the end. Even if I think they're crappy. Hell, especially if they're crappy! Kinda combining the 'perfectionism' goal in here too, then!

All of them will be in the speculative fiction genre (either fantasy or soft sci-fi), linked by a theme of seasons or by the main character. Stories will more than likely be written in first-person or first-person-present.

Wordcount should be anywhere from 700 words to 6,000 words.


+Develop character personality/goals and basic plot/how the seasons will fit into the story.

+Flesh out plot, write down scenes which will appear in the story.

+Butt in chair once everyone has gone to bed, writing at least 700 to 1,000 words (or more) a night.



I will write a story a week for four weeks in non-fantasy/non-magickal genres. I've typically never been able to finish a story without a magickal/fantasy element to it, but then again, I've only ever thought up novella/novel length works to work on, never short-stories.

Stories will be linked by setting, IE; characters in the same city/same highschool. These stories will more than likely be covering abuse/self-harm/alcholism/drug issues. They will more than likely be written in third-person POV, but I make no promises.

Wordcount will be anywhere from 1,000 to 6,000 words.


+Research the theme of each story (abuse, self-harm, etc) and decide where I'm going with it.

+Decide on MC's personality/issues, flesh out plot, outline scenes which will be in the story.

+Write 700 to 1,000 words (or more, depending on length of story) a night after everyone's gone to sleep.


Wide Array Of Characters:

I'm combining numbers 6 (witty/smartass characters) and 7 (soft/gentler women and manly/macho men) into a category of its own: a wide array of different character personalities and types.

My boys (whether they are MCs or Love Interests) are typically softer/gentler/calm with little ego or assertiveness. My girls are typically harder/edgier/easy to rile.

I'd like to write at least:

+ gentle/motherly woman
+ aggressive man
+ witty/smartass woman
+ flamboyant/peppy man

I will write a story a week for four weeks, each story more than likely in the speculative fiction line of genres, linked by the MCs all being shape-shifters (sofar, street cat/rat/bat...hey, it rhymes! and possibly a dingo, for fun). Will either be 3rd or 1st person POV. Possibly 2 of each. It depends on the character.

Wordcount will probably be between 1,000 and 6,000 words.


+Research the animals I'm using to possibly reflect behaviors. Design characters.

+Brainstorm and decide on plot/conflict. Flesh out scenes.

+Write 700-1000 words (or more) a night once everyone goes to bed.


Blek. Glad this is done.

A long time ago (okay, so maybe in December of 2007, but it feels like a long time ago!) I wrote 20k on a novel. I had the basic gist of an idea and then plotted it all out. In my head? It was an amazing, groundbreaking idea. Something I'd want to read. Something I'd pick up off the shelves...if our library carried dark/erotic yaoi fantasy. Still, it was something I was excited about. Of course, back then, I would write when the mood struck. And the mood stuck around for a month or two. I wrote 20k, then shelved it. I had it plotted all out. I could pick it up at anytime. Right?

So, trying to decide what to do for SocNoc, I came across the summary in my file. I was like, ooh, I could always pick up Fracture! It could stand being rewritten! I remembered most of it, even. I reread it; the writing wasn't bad for 2007, but I've improved. Read all 20k and decided, hey, I'll look for that orange folder containing all my notes for the ending and stuff.

Neckdeep in notes, I'm wondering what the hell I was smoking to write something so...plot-holey! I don't even get why one race is IN the novel. It doesn't have significance! I read through the notes and where it has a plot, it's weak and where it has a little bit of originality/creativity, it...needs alot-alot-alot of work. True, it might be an interesting novel if I could fill in the plot holes, fix up the characters' motives for things, and figure out what to do. But it is gonna be alot of work... Work for something that might not turn out good. Risky, sure.

I do want to go back to it...but I don't think SocNoc's the time.

Back to square one...

To be honest, I was like: Ughareyouserious when I read that I had to go scavenger hunting... I hate them. I really, truly hate them. But this, this was fun! >D Surprise! I even found a story to read among them ^^

My list:

1. Missing purple? Try under the trapdoor.-- Lyrical Trance
2. English author rapping in the bath? Umbrella required!-- Rosalind Adam
3. Moon across the ocean blue. Where’s the long white cloud?--- Anna Caro
4. Who says you have to grow up? On Escapism
5. Five times I love you.-- Aurora's Creative Corner
6. California garden with a foxhound-- Of Angels & Plants
7. 21 + 6 + 5 + 5. Oh, and a chicken.-- >D Kodilynn
8. Considers the lillies, but still a wage-slave to the empire. Sigh.-- One Swaying Being
9. Lips as red as cherries, hair as blue as…electric?-- The Magic Spoon
10. All singing, all writing bird! I’m so Lost…-- Owl & Sparrow
11. Pigs DO fly! I told you so.-- Valerie Sloan/Its All Make Believe
12. Manchester daisies. Greener than home?-- No Excuses, Just Write/Kerryn Angel
13. Not in Penzance, and the gender’s all wrong, but still! Raise the Jolly Roger, arrr!-- Amandasea
14. Raising goats, joyfully. Hallelujah! -- Joy of Dawn
15. There are thirteen ribs, apparently. -- Right Brain Spasms
16. Love and stars and hearts and butterflies and swirls!-- One Big Adventure
17. RIP Cooper, dear friend.-- Written Bits//Catherine Mede
18. Who’s to blame for the rain?-- Blame It On The Weatherman
19. Living in Melbourne, dreaming of Mars.-- Pen & Paper Initiative
20. Canada’s in the pink! -- Chibi Doucet
21. Siochain’s amulet, 50% off!-- Davina Pearson
22. Not a serial killer, but an explorer.-- Exploring Eliza
23. Bun in the oven, two kids, no time!-- JC Hart
24. Beautiful Jalal.-- Linda Cassidy Lewis
25. Africa? Australia? Jicama?-- African Aussie
26. Japanese poetry, in the popular form-- Stories of Sommer
27. Mother, 8, grandmother, 12, not enough chairs in the garden!-- The Grandmother's Garden
28. Law of Attraction, no magnets here!-- Janette Dalgliesh
29. Ngapuhi? (Gesundheit!)-- Tama Wise
30. I’ve got your contest right here! Epic? You bet!-- Constant Revision
31. This is not the Olympics, no matter what the header says.-- 5 Rings