Ugh. So. I'm not quite sure I -get- everything that was said: but here I go, winging it anyways like the crazy dog I am. I have no idea on plots or characters...which bothers me. I'm a natural worrier and here I am, doing what I do best! Worrying. Joyyyyful.

I also haven't decided if I'm doing 1 or 3 first (but 2 is definitely in the middle). I'll decide closer to time, I guess.

Completing Stories:

I will write a story a week for four weeks and aim to complete them all, from the first word written to 'the end' at the end. Even if I think they're crappy. Hell, especially if they're crappy! Kinda combining the 'perfectionism' goal in here too, then!

All of them will be in the speculative fiction genre (either fantasy or soft sci-fi), linked by a theme of seasons or by the main character. Stories will more than likely be written in first-person or first-person-present.

Wordcount should be anywhere from 700 words to 6,000 words.


+Develop character personality/goals and basic plot/how the seasons will fit into the story.

+Flesh out plot, write down scenes which will appear in the story.

+Butt in chair once everyone has gone to bed, writing at least 700 to 1,000 words (or more) a night.



I will write a story a week for four weeks in non-fantasy/non-magickal genres. I've typically never been able to finish a story without a magickal/fantasy element to it, but then again, I've only ever thought up novella/novel length works to work on, never short-stories.

Stories will be linked by setting, IE; characters in the same city/same highschool. These stories will more than likely be covering abuse/self-harm/alcholism/drug issues. They will more than likely be written in third-person POV, but I make no promises.

Wordcount will be anywhere from 1,000 to 6,000 words.


+Research the theme of each story (abuse, self-harm, etc) and decide where I'm going with it.

+Decide on MC's personality/issues, flesh out plot, outline scenes which will be in the story.

+Write 700 to 1,000 words (or more, depending on length of story) a night after everyone's gone to sleep.


Wide Array Of Characters:

I'm combining numbers 6 (witty/smartass characters) and 7 (soft/gentler women and manly/macho men) into a category of its own: a wide array of different character personalities and types.

My boys (whether they are MCs or Love Interests) are typically softer/gentler/calm with little ego or assertiveness. My girls are typically harder/edgier/easy to rile.

I'd like to write at least:

+ gentle/motherly woman
+ aggressive man
+ witty/smartass woman
+ flamboyant/peppy man

I will write a story a week for four weeks, each story more than likely in the speculative fiction line of genres, linked by the MCs all being shape-shifters (sofar, street cat/rat/bat...hey, it rhymes! and possibly a dingo, for fun). Will either be 3rd or 1st person POV. Possibly 2 of each. It depends on the character.

Wordcount will probably be between 1,000 and 6,000 words.


+Research the animals I'm using to possibly reflect behaviors. Design characters.

+Brainstorm and decide on plot/conflict. Flesh out scenes.

+Write 700-1000 words (or more) a night once everyone goes to bed.


Blek. Glad this is done.


Kodi, those goals are just fine. And don't worry about plots and brainstorming - that's all part of the writing week. Your linking ideas are imaginative and you've given thought to things that will challenge you. Well done!

Love how you're making them shapeshifters even as you're shifting your shape (so to speak) in your own writing. :)

Your goals are intriguing. Good luck with them!

Oh yes, finishing things is going to be a good thing for me too... Good luck :D