But aren't I late with everything? That's just who I am! Hey, at least it's getting done. Don't look at me that way!

Anyways, reviews...Not much -to- review this week. Let's see... Hm.

This week:

1: I went through everyone's blogs in an attempt to get the answers right to the CrWo's Icebreaker event. Surprisingly fun, even though at first I was like "omgareyouseriousIhavetodoWHAT?" xD Oh, lovely.

2: I struggled with/but completed! my goals. So proud of myself for that one. Goals are difficult, especially to wrangle to write down, I've found. I think writing them down/discovering them was worse than the actual writing. Give me 3k to write and I'll crank it out. Expect me to do a goal-list? PFFTT I procrastinated and whined (ask Valerie!) my way through it.

3: I figured out how my stories for the CrWo will be linked. That was also very difficult for me. Because I had no clue what I was gonna do.

4: I got very little writing done. To be honest...I don't think I got -any- done. Not actual writing on a piece writing. However, I did get Puppy Love's re-outline written and an idea of where I'm going with THAT. Whoot. I aim to have PL done...by July. I hope. Oh how I hope. I'm about ready to strangle Andi. Overexposure, I think -solemnly nods-

5: I found a instrumental CD I like. AKA I stole it from my grandma. I like this CD.

6: I brainstormed...alot. This hurt. Also alot. But I'm pretty sure I know a few of my stories for the upcoming CrWo weeks. And possibly my SocNoc. -eyes Neon and Kjirsten- Possibly...

And I think that's it for the review. -bows- Now onto my goals!


1: Aim to get this week's CrWo story finished before Thursday night so I can focus Thurs/Fri/Sat night on Puppy Love's rewrite.

2: Pick a title for said CrWo story.

3: Decide where next week's story is going... AKA I'm clueless.

4: Work on PL. The sooner I get it done...the happier I'll be! And a happy Kodi = a sane Kodi.

Whoo. Next post should be this week's wrapup/review.


Lovely Kodi! Hope the writing is going well. :)